Mcnally’s Bookstore

Exploring Winnipeg’s local gems, one standout is McNally’s Bookstore. Our documentary shoot there was a one-day whirlwind with our dynamic team of three, and it was an absolute blast. Filming at McNally was a treasure trove of delights—from the books and bustling workers to every charming nook and cranny. It's a true paradise for book lovers.

Despite the challenge of filming extensive b-roll while respecting the bookstore’s lively atmosphere, the experience was incredibly rewarding. I’m immensely grateful for our amazing team, whose collaboration enabled us to gather exceptional footage.

Check out the McNally’s Bookstore website:


Our interview setup was a lively mix of a key light, natural window glow, ceiling fixtures, and the cozy ambiance from bookshelf lights.

It was quite a puzzle to ensure our subjects were perfectly lit

We aimed for warm, natural lighting that would accentuate our subject while also showcasing the beauty of the shelves behind them.

All our b-roll footage was captured using a gimbal-mounted Sony a7. We meticulously balanced the gimbal to ensure smooth, dynamic shots, capturing a wide range of scenes and subjects.